
Tuesday, July 9, 2013

This Week.....

Well, Rod has been admitted to the hospital again.  He was doing AWESOME last week, had some really great days where he was up and moving around and even walked out to the mailbox!  Friday he was having some really bad back pain and developed a fever.  A trip to the ER was in order and they discovered he had an infection.  He was admitted & given IV antibiotics.   

Dr's words, "He's a mystery".  They can't pin point why he keeps getting infections, but right now staying on top of his pain is a big focus.  Talks are in motion of what the next move is going to be, but until then, please keep Rod & Sue and the boys in your prayers.  They are all so strong, but really need support & prayers during this time.

As always, thank you again for everyone's love and support.  The meals & cards are still pooring in and are such a great help and relief. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for keeping us posted on Rod's condition.